Acupressure & Clinical Massage methodology
Acupressure is an ancient art that uses finger pressure on certain points on the body to achieve relief from pain or to release muscles, to facilitate ease of movement or to follow the Chinese Meridian Theory in order to restore energy and to balance that energy in the body. These techniques have been in use for thousands of years all over the world.
The points may be anywhere on the body and Phantom Pain (aka Lost Limb Syndrome) is often relieved. The points in the ear correspond to every part of the body and nervous system. Use of these points is common in acupuncture and literally change the way that the brain thinks about the impulses from sensory and other nerves.
Small, single use needles are inserted by agreement whenever it is seen to be appropriate and of benefit.
Clinical massage practiced here incorporates elements from Traditional Bone Setting, Tui Na, Lymphatic drainage, Trigger Point Therapy and reflex points. It is a very advanced method of easing muscle tension, releasing Myofascial pain, resetting the movement of joints, limbs etc and the skills needed take many years to learn. It demands a very good understanding of how the body works and how much the mind and attitudes affect health.
As a stress relief it is highly effective and the opportunity to be free to say whatever a person needs to get off their chest in absolute confidence, without judgement or repercussion is vital to good emotional health.
The massage is done oil on skin on every part of the body and involves all the adipose tissue, the abdomen and by agreement the breast tissue and inguinal lymph nodes. The inner thigh is released to assist in the relief of back pain and facilitation of lymph drainage. Myofascial release is achieved by gentle stretching of tissue and ligaments, rotation and easing of adhesions in the joints and extensions of the limbs. Subluxation is addressed and misalignment of the spine may be corrected using traditional bone setting techniques with absolutely no chiropractic or osteopathic methods.
Towelling may be used or dispensed with by agreement. This is a remedial clinic and our very "Hands on" approach is not the same as a spa or any NHS physiotherapy with a "No Touch Policy". Here, you will be examined and palpated as necessary with every respect for your culture or wishes.
The customary period of rest following treatment is often, quite blissful !!! Music and incense.....
Tony started to learn these arts in 1953 and at the age of 82, still practices daily in his treatment room and teaches Tai Chi, Meditations and martial arts.
Such conditions as back pain, sciatica, muscle tears, knees, shoulders, whiplash, arthritis, MS and ME all benefit. This is commonly known here as an MOT. For sports people and dancers, whether amateur or semi pro, these methods are highly effective in getting the best from your body and facilitating flexibility.
For those who have been abused, it is an excellent way of restoring confidence. The calming and somewhat informal approach with the trust so engendered is probably one of the most effective ways to enable a person to be touched, may be for the first time in years. More effective in so many ways than talking therapies or to keep going over the same thing time and time again. This offers a chance to move on and develop emotional skills to free one from the emotional pain. Not for everybody perhaps, but it has proven results for many thousands who have been here.
We do not teach revenge but how to accept and use to full advantage all that life offers. One's individual experiences give insight into how best to help others.
A consent form is required to be completed and signed. Those under 16 must have a parent or guardian present and those aged 16-18 should have parental consent but would be seen alone, if appropriate. If you wish for a chaperone you should say so before treatment. In practice this is rarely the case and most are seen in complete privacy. Partners come into the room on occasions and some wait to have treatment as soon as one is finished.
All ages are seen and all backgrounds, race and following with an understanding and respect of each Faith.
A full treatment session or MOT will cost £70 if in full employment or £60 for Chi Clinic students and those not working, NHS Staff and services at any level. One may buy three sessions for c 10% less that can be used within 3 months or shared with another. Gift vouchers are offered and these are great way of giving.
Appointments may be made by phone or e mail from 9am to 5pm Tuesday to Saturday with late appointments by arrangement on Tuesdays and Fridays.
020 8641 3756. or email to
Exclusions from the session (Here you may enter any preferences for no treatment)
Treatment will include any of the following. Full body Lymphatic drainage massage, Acupressure . Acupuncture. Shiatsu. Reflexology, Injury or Sports therapy. Electro therapy. Moxibustion , Chi Healing, Meditations and other necessary methods of therapy. Assessments may include asking you to demonstrate movement whilst not fully clothed.
A full body massage with oil on skin treatment involves the removal of clothing as required for the extent of the treatment to be applied. This may involve removal of all clothing. The treatment will involve the use of acupressure points that in some cases are in intimate areas. These will not be touched without your consent at the time. Lymphatic drainage involves the massage of female breasts and the release of lymph nodes also will involve those in the groin area. Examination of pectoralis muscle and deltoids will involve deep investigation of the deep fascia across the chest. All muscles are worked upon including the inner thigh.
Towel draping is used where appropriate or may be dispensed with at your request.
If you wish for a chaperone, please tell the therapist before commencing the session.
I request and consent to the above treatments and I will tell the therapist of any queries or wish to stop the treatment.
NB Consultations may be recorded on a voice recorder