
We are very grateful for all the reviews that people have posted over the years.  It is an indication of the effect of the work that we do here and have done for the last 25 years.  There are now 53 - 5 star reviews across Google, Facebook and Yell.   Read the full text on the Google search page.   

The sample of reviews shown here are exact cut and paste from the Google reviews.

Tony and I'm not overstating the case CHANGED MY LIFE. I'd been suffering with a vertebrae that had rotated when I was a stupid teenager trying to life a car..... I then basically suffered for 35+years with differing levels of 'ache"..... I spent £1000s at a Chiropractic clinic, but they could never fix it..... I'm 61now and a colleague at work told me about Tony, I ummed and I arhhed, then after more issues with my back thought what have I got to lose......Tony Fixed my back (and a few other issues besides) I will be forever thankful first to my friend for pointing me in the right direction, but, obviously to TONY, you've made my later years of life so much more enjoyable. Thank you.

Tony is amazing, after a few months of feeling so unwell with vertigo and sickness. In a few minutes, managed to completely resolve the problem.  I would highly recommend. SB

This is the place where you will find relief from pain and peace for your mind!
I was in a severe pain when I walked in the clinic and left totally different person. I have 20 years of health issues and a huge experience of treating it, including huge worse experience. When it is about your health it is quite important who you trust your wellbeing. When I've first time heard about Tony, I've already knew I will go to him, as I had such experience abroad. But life has different plans from me and instead of a profilactic visit to Tony how I thought to do, I've got severe pain due to my job. I went to GP they referred me to physiotherapist to come and assess me. More than 2 weeks nobody call me or give any pain killer. And through this dreadful pain my brain brings the story told by my friend Lisa, about Tony and his practice. And then I decided it's time to give a visit to him. I was sure he will help me, but I did not expect this to be so quick. We are different as an individual and every problem needs time to be solved especially when is about health issues that could build up in time. I felt better already after first procedure, left 3 days for my body to settle down and went for a second one. We need to treat our body, mind and soul with love and care, but many times we ignore it or we don't have enough resources like time or money to do so! But it is never to late! My point of view is, little as once a month to go and see Tony such a gifted professional that I am sorry for myself I did not know him before and have a priceless time in his blessed hands.  OL

Cannot recommend Tony enough. He really helped me with just a couple of sessions. His knowledge, skill and experience are excellent. He really took the time to listen and understand. ~ It`s clear why he has so many fantastic reviews. MB

What an amazing experience going to see Tony. Cant recommend coming here enough. After having problems with my jaw including being unable to close my mouth fully and immense pain, Tony fixed it in just one session. Thank you so much! LH

I have had a long term issue with my neck and shoulders, but actually went to see Tony because I had jarred my knee bowling at cricket. It had sent my whole leg into spasm and I couldn't bend my leg, walk upstairs nor than one step at a time... generally felt old as my neck was playing up too.
I've seen many people through the years, but what Tony did for me in one session was amazing. Released my leg so I could raise my knee up to my chest unaided and finally released my neck and shoulders from years of restriction.
Quite an amazing man and wholly recommended him to my family and friends.
I have also taken up Tai Chi and Qigong with my wife to live the whole experience of getting better and younger. It's all about quality of life and mine is so much better thank you Tony DF

Very proud to give a five star rating. After suffering with a slipped disc/ sciatica for over a year and being told by medical professionals I would have to wait until it healed itself I was given a referral to go and visit Tony by one of his former clients. After 3 sessions with Tony my back is aligned, my disc is where it should be and I can go back to doing everyday things. Tony has bought all my confidence back just over night. I feel like a new woman. I was welcomed and made to feel extremely comfortable from meeting. I would definitely recommend The Chi Clinic to anyone and everyone. The work they do there is amazing.!!! KG

I discovered The Chi Clinic in 2016 when I was burning out because of stress. I suffered lots of back pain, stomach pain, headaches and was always tired and sick with my sinuses. I started having massage sessions with Tony and I also joined the Thursday night chi kung classes. I made some major life changes since then and I'm feeling much better now, Tony was and still is a huge part of my healing journey. He's incredibly kind, warm and loving person, highly experienced in the way body, mind, emotions and energy work. His classes gave me a solid ground, I feel more grounded and strong physically and emotionally. He's always calming me down, he's very compassionate and has light and loving sense of humour. Chi kung might seem boring to some people but I actually always had fun and really loved the relaxed atmosphere. During the massage sessions he uses a mix of methods that work best for you, acupressure, acupuncture, burning some herbs, electric massager, healing crystals... I even converted my boyfriend who had even worse back and neck pain, he only believed in chiropractors, and now he won't go to a chiropractor anymore! I can't recommend Tony high enough. Vicky is lovely too although I still need to explore her classes more :) thank you Tony and Vicky   AG

Have really enjoyed learning Tai Chi and Qi Gong from Tony and Vicky. Very knowledgeable and experienced teachers. BP
I was suffering from constant headaches everyday for a good few months, trying anything to try and get rid of them. A Neurologist diagnosed me with Cluster migraines and put me on the worst medication that made me feel worse, and very low plus they were not even helping. I even tried the Daith Piercing which wasn't a massive help either. After doing research and finding the Chi Clinic, I only have positive things to say. Tony is amazing, after going for 4 sessions of Lymphatic Drainage, I can now say I have been headache free for nearly 10 months. I do go back for a MOT every couple months which makes me feel great afterwards. Tony explains everything and makes you feel comfortable. I would highly recommend their service. JK

Conventional physiotherapy didn't help with my sciatic pain so, on recommendation of a friend, I went to The Chi Clinic. Tony's holistic approach to healing is brilliant. He has found the cause of my pain and after only two visits I am already feeling so much better.

I felt very honoured to meet such a remarkable couple..they have helped so many people, me included. They make you feel very comfortable and they take time to listen . Thank you for taking the time to see me and my family and thank you for your kind words and advice xx GM

We were lucky enough to visit Tony yesterday and it was one of the best and most positive experiences that my daughter and I have had. He sat down and took time and patience to talk to her and counsel her through her issues. Subsequently, she is happier more positive and a gentle calm emanates around her. She was blown away at the treatments you did. Thank you Tony, you really are the miracle man! BD

Corporate Wellness Online

"The Tai Chi session was fantastic!"

"Vicky was a brilliant teacher. She was really informative & helpful & had the most relaxing & soothing demeanour. The session was a great mix of relaxation & hard work. The 5 of us in the office said how we could definitely do the moves ourselves while at home to carry on what we learned. Hopefully, a gift that will keep on giving!"
"All in all it was a fab session & I am so pleased that we organised this for staff. Hoping that we can offer it again some day!"
