TRAUMA, Physical or emotional

It is a fact that trauma can cause actual physical pain and suffering, quite apart from the psychological effects.  Trauma can give rise to agoraphobia, hyper reaction, elevated blood pressure, sleepless nights, unable to be touched by anyone, stress and a whole panoply of emotional issues.

We see many who have been severely abused, lost limbs, been in accidents, have fear of flying and those who simply cannot be touched.  We see many post mastectomy, post traumatic childbirth and post operation.

Our methods here are developed over the last 50 years of experience and assisting many to recovery or more able to manage the condition.

All sessions are in absolute confidence and at your pace, your agreement and your control.  Tony has a gentle approach and a way of letting you relax by empowering and restoring self confidence.

The full body treatment is  a proven way of restoring confidence and developing coping mechanisms, learning how you should be treated in absolutely confidential surroundings where you may speak and act freely without consequence.   We call it an MOT.

Post natal stress and consequences of Caesarian, loss of sensation etc is dealt with openly and as is always the case,  someone with vast and wide ranging experience is better able to help.  We are not trained in the same way as clinical counsellors and use quite different methods.  Just ring and book in to see what may be done. 

It is often thought that trauma has to be the result of some incident.  That is not the case at all and many trauma are the result of some imagined observation of an event that is not what it has appeared to be.  Trauma can be induced spontaneously by not comprehending intentions or by having given the wrong impression to another person who has then reacted.

Trauma happens to a child if a minor incident is not dealt with properly or the child is accused wrongly of doing something.

I lectured to counsellors on "Oppressive Behaviour Patterns in Adults and Children".    This has been made as a book, published on Amazon Kindle with two other works.  Just type in Tony Hardiman  to the Amazon search bar.

