Meditations and Chi Healing classes.
The meditations practiced here are designed to promote a good understanding of the Mind, Body, Spirit connections that are the basis of the tuition for those wishing to heal themselves and others. These classes have run since 1995 and about 1,000 students have attended over the years.
The Chi-Do Chi Kung class on a Thursday evening starts at 8pm to 9.30 here, at The Chi Clinic or on line using Zoom. Please use a modern PC, Mac or HDMI to your TV with a direct connection to the internet via ethernet cabling direct to the router for best performance. Please contact us for a trial run to get used to the setting up. It is far better if you can attend for the full experience with the Zoom as a back up if not able to get here.
Meditation is an intrinsic part of all Tai Chi & Qigong. The health benefits are immense & every class has some "Mindfulness" content.
Students are taught fundamental exercises that promote the easy flow of Chi energy throughout the body, following accepted pathways which may be defined as 'Meridians' in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Shiatsu. This is a unique form taught only to students of Chi-Do Healing arts. Within this form, students learn how to balance, how to ease such as arthritis, frozen shoulder, falls prevention, aid prevention of back injury and rehabilitation. The energy is balanced between the various organs of the body and a sense of well being is generated that often leads to lifting of mood, any tendency to depression and other conditions.
Students are taught the essential of breathing, the many different ways of breathing using the chest, abdomen, cyclical breathing and how to take goodness to all parts of the body and mind. This often results in a lowering of blood pressure, relief of circulation and immune system problems.
Whilst the tuition is predominantly Taoist in the approach, Western Alchemy of Water, Earth, Air, Aether and Fire are incorporated as well as consideration for physical fitness and enhancement of good health, Mind, Body and Spirt.
The training is conducted in a friendly group of people, some of whom have been coming here to train with Master Tony for 15-20 years. His approach is to allow freedom through the building of Self Confidence, a sense of belonging and support of a group of really good people.
The standard meditations are Breath, the Chakras, "Grassy Hill" , "The Five Elementals" and The Chi-Do Longevity Form.. These forms are a path to enlightenment and the ability to use Chi energy for Healing Oneself and others.
The Introduction to Chi-Do Longevity is a simple form to learn associated with 6 Ancient healing sounds. This form was inherited by Master Tony from Chinese Masters, exiled during the period of the 1960's and taught as part of his training in traditional arts.